Age Concern Auckland Counties Manukau Edition
The Age Concern Auckland Counties Manukau Edition publication is a quarterly A4 colour newspaper, which contains editorial and news items from Age Concern to their membership.
They have a circulation of 4150 each quarter in which 2000+ members receive a copy of the publication direct to their letterbox via the postal system. Publications are also distributed electronically to their network and handed out at community events and given to organisations such as:
- Alzheimers
- Grey Power
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Senior Net
- Probus
- Info Centres
Age Concern Counties Manukau provides co-ordination of information and case management to many older people in the region of Counties Manukau everyday, across the 4 CMDHB localities of Franklin, Eastern, Mangere/Otara and Manukau (including Papatoetoe, Papakura and Manurewa).
Being community based not-for-profit, Age Concern has developed good relationships with older people, a lot of good will and respect. Our current services include: Accredited Visiting, Health Promotion, Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Total Mobility Assessment, Volunteering Opportunities and Community Offices.