Age Concern Auckland Asian Services edition

The Age Concern Auckland Asian Services Edition publication is a quarterly A4 colour newspaper, which contains editorial and news items from Age Concern to their membership.

Age Concern Auckland Asian Services has a circulation of 500 with a readership of more than double that each quarter in which members receive a copy of the newspaper direct to their letterbox via the postal system and covers the full Auckland region. This includes Auckland City, from Kumeu in the West to (Portage Road) Otahuhu in South Auckland and the Waitemata Harbour in the North. Counties Manukau from as far south as Mercer, north to Mangere, east to Kaiaua and west to the Awhitu Peninsula. North Shore City from the Harbour Bridge in the South, to Dairy Flat in the North and Greenhithe in the West, to Devonport and the East Coast Bays in the East.

The remainder of the printed publications are distributed to:

  • Clients
  • Delivered via the Accredited Visiting Service
  • Delivered via Seminars
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • RSA's
  • Retirement Villages
  • Pensioner Housing (including West Auckland) and general contacts of Age Concern Auckland.