Age Concern Auckland Central & West Edition
The Age Concern Auckland Central & West Edition publication is a quarterly A4 colour newspaper, which contains editorial and news items from Age Concern to their membership.
Age Concern Auckland has a circulation of 5600 each quarter in which 3844 members receive a copy of the newspaper direct to their letterbox via the postal system.
The remainder of the printed publications are distributed to:
- Clients
- Delivered via the Accredited Visiting Service
- Delivered via Seminars
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- RSA's
- Retirement Villages
- Pensioner Housing (including West Auckland) and general contacts of Age Concern Auckland.
Age Concern Auckland includes the old Auckland City before amalgamation - from Kumeu in the West to (Portage Road) Otahuhu in South Auckland and the Waitemata Harbour in the North.